Music for the Masses
Picture this... Thursday afternoon, its been raining all morning long and the temperature has finally dropped below 90 degrees. In the mist of rush hour traffic hundreds of cars are making their way to the "outdoor concert" that they have spent more than this month's utilities to get a ticket to. Each year its the same old hyped up shows but with a new and more expensive ticket price.
Does anyone care? I mean surely everyone noticed the price and certainly everyone grumbled at the thought of spending that much but it doesn't stop the masses that stumble and fumble from the tailgating parties in the parking lot to herd in like sheep. We had lawn tickets. That basically means you stand out on a sloped mound of hand planted grass. Do I remember the music? Not exactly. From the top of the hill the sound quality was about that of a juke box. Do I remember the cost of the 2 beers and a bag of potato chips. MOST definitely. $18.
I'm wondering what it is about large concerts that compel people to come out in full force. Its not for the view and certainly not for the music. As the musician and performers, how routine this life must have become. It almost makes large venue concerts a necessary evil for the musicians. But then again it allows them to become even more detached from the REAL reality of life than they already are.
So did I enjoy my attendance at the music for the masses? Not exactly but after a chance to down a few beers and get in line with the rest of the herd I could find that small quality that seems to be in all of us. Being comfortable as part of the group.